Designed for protection of metal products during in-process storage and for their preservation for the period of transportation and long-term storage. Application method:The corrosion-preventing oil is applied to the surface of metal products by the way of spraying, manually with the help of a brush or by dipping at the ambient temperature of not less than 15°С. After application to the surface the excessive oil shall drain away. The oil can be preheated up to the temperature of 70°С without exceeding of this limit.
Designed for protection of metal products during in-process storage and for their preservation for the period of transportation and long-term storage. Application method:The corrosion-preventing oil is applied to the surface of metal products by the way of spraying, manually with the help of a brush or by dipping at the ambient temperature of not less than 15°С. After application to the surface the excessive oil shall drain away. The oil can be preheated up to the temperature of 70°С without exceeding of this limit.
Designed for lubrication of refrigerating machines compressors, using ammonia, carbonic acid and Freon.
Oils for hydromechanical and hydrostatic transmissions are designed for hydraulic power drives, hydraulic transmissions and circulating oil systems of various devices, machines and mechanisms, comprising the equipment of inductrial companies. Depending on the viscosity, setting point and compositions there are two series of the oil:series A and series P.
The oil is used for lubrication of necks wheelset axles wagons, of diesel locomotives with plain bearings.
Oil quenching is intended for cooling stanyh articles of alloyed steels, for high values of hardness, the desired structure and surface cleanliness.
Gear oils are intended for use in gear transmissions of modern imported industrial equipment requiring the use of high-quality alloyed oils with increased anti-wear, lubricating, extreme pressure and anti-corrosion properties. Oils can be used in the circulation systems of various mechanisms operating under increased loads, in friction units of automatic hot stamping presses and other heavily loaded units of industrial equipment. Depending on the viscosity and component composition, four grades of oil are produced: ZGV CLP-150, ZGV CLP-220, ZGV CLP-320, ZGV CLP-460. The product meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 030/2012 "On requirements for lubricants, oils and special liquids". Packaging options: bulk, 180 kg barrel.
It is intended for filling power, measuring transformers, oil switches and other high-voltage equipment as the main electrical insulating material. Packaging options: bulk, 170 kg barrel.
Intended for hydraulic systems operating at pressures above 25 MPa and bulk oil temperatures above 90°C. Intended for all-season use in torque converters and automatic transmissions of vehicles at ambient temperatures down to minus 30-35°C. The oil is also used as a winter oil in hydrostatic drives of self-propelled, agricultural and other machinery. Packaging options: bulk, 180 kg barrel, 18 kg canister, 900 kg cube.
Designed for lubrication of hydraulic systems (hydrostatic drive) of agricultural and other machinery operating at pressures up to 35 MPa with short-term excess of up to 42 MPa. Packaging options: bulk, 180 kg barrel, 18 kg canister.