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Lubricating and cooling technological materials


The material is used for processing with the use of single- and multispindle turning machines, semiautomatic machines, (including cutting, drilling, hole enlarging, threading), as well as in the process of milling, gear proceessing of structural carbon and alloyed steel, cast-iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. It is also used at blade processing of some corrosion proof and heat resistant steels (including deep drilling of holes with the diameter of 40 mm).It is possible to apply the material in the process of cold pressing.

Form  Homogeneous unctuous liquid from yellow to dark brown color with a specific smell
Density at 20°С, g/cm3, no more than 0,800-0,930
Kinematical viscosity at  50°С, mm2/s 23-30
Acid number, mg КОН/g, no more than 1,2
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities, %, no more than 0,03
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Lubricating and cooling technological material ZGV MR-3
Lubricating and cooling technological material ZGV MR-3

Lubricating and cooling technological material ZGV MR-3 was designed for cutting of alloyed steels, for deep hole drilling, boring, thread grinding and gear grinding.

Form, odor  Brown homogeneous oily liquid with distinctive non-irritating odor
Density at 20 °C, g/cm³  0,850-0,915
Kinematic viscosity at 50 °C, mm²/s 5-17
Open-cup flash point, °C, no less than 125
Saponification number, mg KOH/g, no less than 20
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Emulsol EM-1
Emulsol EM-1

Used for preparation of (3-6)% water emulsions during processing of alloyed structural steels at medium cutting modes, as well as at grinding of carbon and alloyed steels. Emulsol can be also used for turning, milling and drilling. 5% water emulsion of emulsol can be applied to all operations of edging and abrasive processing of aluminum, cast-iron and bronze. Emulsol is a mixture of petroleum oils and corrosion inhibitors. Emulsol EM-1 is an analogue of emulsols ET-2U, EGT, ET-2. It has high washing, penetrating and cooling capacity, provides higher tool durability and lower roughness of processed surfaces. EM-1 does not form any toxic compounds with other substances in the air or sewage waters.

Form  Homogeneous liquid from brown to dark brown color
Emulsion stability within the time period of 3 hours, oil is extracted , cm3 , no more than 1,0
РН of  (3-6)%emulsion 6,0-10,0
Acid number mg КОНper 1 g of emulsol , no more than 32
Corrosion aggressiveness of  (3-6)% emulsion, prepared with the use of hard water  Shall pass the tests
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It is intended for use in the construction and chemical industries as a general-purpose plasticizer, a release agent in the formation of products. Wax emulsion VE-60 has hydrophobic properties. Wax emulsion VE-60 is a microdispersed system in an aqueous medium of solid paraffins, fatty substances, surfactants with antioxidant and antifoam additives.

FormLiquid from white to beige
Density at 20°C, g/cm³, not less than750.0
Dry matter content, % by weight, not less than60
Emulsion stability for 1 hourMust pass tests
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Belwax PGW Liquid
Belwax PGW Liquid

It is intended for use as a working fluid in hydromechanical and hydrostatic transmissions of ground transport, traction rolling stock of railways. Packaging options: bulk, 20 kg canister.

Density at 20°C, g/cm31.151-1.154
Kinematic viscosity at 20°C, mm²/s44.00-51.00
Kinematic viscosity at 50°C, mm²/s12.00-14.00
Kinematic viscosity at 80°C, mm²/sNot less than 5.000
Pour point, °CNot higher than minus 50
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Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid
Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid "Ultra-M"

It is used as a process medium in blade and abrasive processing of non-ferrous metals, aluminum alloys and normally processed steels. Packaging options: 180 kg barrel.

Appearancehomogeneous liquid from yellow to brown
Density at 20 °C, g/cm³0.900 - 1.100
Kinematic viscosity at 50 °C, mm²/s, no more than80
Acid number, mg/ KOH/g, no less than12
Alkalinity reserve of aqueous emulsion with a mass fraction of 3% in ml 0.1N НС1, no less than30
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Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid
Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid "Frezol"

It is used as a process medium in blade and abrasive processing of non-ferrous metals, aluminum alloys and normally processed steels in order to increase the durability of the cutting tool and the quality of the processed parts. Packaging options: 200 kg barrel. To order.

Density at 20°C, g/cm³0.900 - 1.070
Alkalinity reserve of 5% aqueous emulsion35-50
Corrosive aggressiveness of 5% aqueous emulsionMust pass the test
Hydrogen index (pH) of 5% aqueous emulsion9-10
Stability of 5% aqueous emulsionMust pass the test
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Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid
Concentrated lubricating and cooling liquid "Svisloch"

It is used as a process medium in blade and abrasive processing of non-ferrous metals, aluminum alloys and normally processed steels in order to increase the durability of the cutting tool and the quality of the processed parts on automatic machines and automatic lines. Packaging options: 180 kg barrel. To order.

Appearancehomogeneous brown liquid
Density at 20°C, g/cm³0.900 - 1.050
Kinematic viscosity at 50°C, mm²/s, no more than80.0
Acid number, mg KOH/g, no less than12.0
Stability of aqueous emulsion concentrate with a mass fraction of 3%passes
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Lubricating and cooling technological agent ZGV MR-10U
Lubricating and cooling technological agent ZGV MR-10U

It is used for high-speed grinding of cutting tool profiles (drills, taps, reamers, milling cutters) made of high-speed steels, as well as for profile grinding of alloyed structural steels. Packaging options: 180 kg barrel.

Kinematic viscosity at 50 ºС, mm²/s12.0-16.5
Open crucible flash point, ºС, not lower than135.0
Saponification number, mg KOH/g, not less than11.0
Water contenttraces
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities, %, not more than0.03
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Lubricating and cooling liquid
Lubricating and cooling liquid "BelWax-100"

It is intended as a process medium for processing cast irons, carbon, structural, alloyed and complex-alloyed steels and alloys in the operations of turning, boring, milling, drilling, grinding [(3-5)% aqueous emulsion], reaming, drawing [(4-8)% aqueous emulsion], thread cutting [(4-6)% aqueous emulsion]. Packaging options: 210 kg barrel.

Appearance, colorHomogeneous liquid from yellow to dark brown
Kinematic viscosity at 50 ºС, mm²/s, within3.5-15.0
Hydrogen index (pH) of 3% emulsion6-10
Content of mechanical impurities, % by weight, no more than0.03
Density at 20 ºС, kg/m³1000-1200
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