Designed for application in friction units of wheel and tracked (crawler-type) vehicles, industrial equipment and seaborne machinery of different purpose, at working temperatures from minus 40 °Сto 120 °С(for shorter time periods up to 130 °С).
Designed for greasing of low-loaded friction, rolling and sliding units at the temperature from minus 60 to plus 90 °C. The peculiarities:frost resistant grease, is able to work at temperatures from minus 60 to plus 90 °C.
Designed for lubrication of various cables in the process of their exploitation. Water and frost resistant, operable in the temperature range from minus 35 °C to 50 °C.
Intended for rust protection of surfaces of metal articles at temperatures from -50C to +50C at warehouse
Preservative grease KS-Un is intended for preserving metal products in warehouse storage conditions and in open areas, as well as for protecting mine and other steel ropes from corrosion during their production, transportation and storage. Depending on the purpose, two grades of grease are produced: grade A and grade B. Grease grade B is for preserving metal products, for protecting steel ropes from corrosion. Packaging options: 180 kg barrel, 35 kg drum.
It is intended for lubricating elevator ropes. It has the necessary protective capacity against corrosion (30 cycles in the weather chamber without signs of corrosion). Packaging options: 175 kg barrel.